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Many problems within polygon algorithms can be solved by partitioning the polygon into convex parts and solving it for these instead. Even more strict some solutions require working on a triangle partition (which is easily constructed from a convex polygon). partition_convex() provides two algorithms for convex partitioning of polygons with the option to further partition the convex parts into triangles. The optimal algorithm ensures the minimum number of resulting partitions at the expense of memory (O(n^3)) and time (O(n^4)) cost with n being the number of vertices in the polygon. Alternatively the non-optimal algorithm is much faster (O(n log n)) and produces at most 4 times the number of partitions that the optimal would. Another class of partition is one that produces y-monotone polygons, that is, polygons that are formed by two y-monotone polylines. This partition type is provided by partition_monotone().


partition_convex(x, optimal = FALSE, triangulate = FALSE)




A polyclid_polygon vector


Should the optimal algorithm be used


Should the convex partition further be partitioned into triangles


A polyclid_polyline_set vector. The partitions can be extracted from that.


poly <- polygon(
  c(391, 240, 252, 374, 289, 134, 68, 154, 161, 435, 208, 295, 421, 441),
  c(374, 431, 340, 320, 214, 390, 186, 259, 107, 108, 148, 160, 212, 303)

# Optimal
plot(partition_convex(poly, optimal = TRUE))

# Approx (no obvious quality degradation in this case)

# Triangulate the resulting partitions
plot(partition_convex(poly, triangulate = TRUE))

# Do a monotone partition

# If you want to work on the polygons further you convert it to a polygon vector
#> <2D polyclid_polygons [3]>
#> [1] [Boundary: 3, Range: <<68, 186>, <154, 390>>, Holes: 0] 
#> [2] [Boundary: 8, Range: <<134, 107>, <435, 390>>, Holes: 0]
#> [3] [Boundary: 7, Range: <<240, 212>, <441, 431>>, Holes: 0]

# If the polygon contains holes new vertices may get introduced as those are
# connected to the outer boundary first using `connect_holes()`
hole(poly) <- iso_rect(point(200, 200), point(250, 250))


# Use `ignore_inner = TRUE` to avoid extracting holes from a partition
res_with_hole <- as_polygon(partition_monotone(poly))
plot(res_with_hole, col = palette())